Tchoukball Geneva Indoors: 12-22.12.2024

TGI 2018 – registration is open

The heart of Tchoukball never stops beating. The Continental Tchoukball Championships just finished a few days ago, events where some amazing Tchoukball was played at the very highest level. Now all players are back home, getting prepared for a new season of Tchoukball in their national leagues. Meanwhile, the organisation committee of the Tchoukball Geneva Indoors, after a well deserved break, started the preparation of the 2018 edition several months ago in order to be ready for the 22nd edition of the Tchoukball Geneva Indoors, which will take place from 5th to 16th December 2018.

Registration for December 2018 is now open.

The various deadlines are:
30th September 2018 for the Nations Cup
31st October 2018 for all other tournaments

This information document provides a lot of useful information about the TGI 2018. Our new section “From A to Z” contains also a lot of interesting information.

In order to register, please go to the Registration page for further details.

All members of staff of the Geneva Indoors are looking forward to welcoming the Tchoukball family in Geneva in December 2018.