+41 22 796 67 66 daniel.buschbeck@tchoukball.ch
+41 79 239 20 53 erika.mesmer@tchoukball.ch
+41 79893 46 77 alexandre.dubois@geneva-indoors.com
+41 76 616 13 00
Tchoukball Geneva Indoors; 1219 Châtelaine; Switzerland IBAN CH05 0900 0000 1515 7322 6 – Account Number 15-157322-6; BIC POFICHBEXXX
Adress of the bank: PostFinance SA; Mingerstrasse 20; 3030 Bern, Switzerland
We have a new bank account for the TGI 2019 – thank you for not any longer using the old one.
+41 22 796 67 66 sandrine@tchouk.com
+41 79 466 58 80 stephane.bruhin@tchoukballgeneve.ch
+41 79 790 64 11 lionel.cendre@tchoukball.ch
+41 77 435 33 04 arnoseb@icloud.com
3, av. Edmond Vaucher 1219 Châtelaine (Geneva) Switzerland +41 22 796 67 66 +41 22 368 00 28 info@geneva-indoors.ch