Tchoukball Geneva Indoors: 12-22.12.2024

Registration deadline extended

From 6 to 84 years, already 124 tchoukball teams registered!

This year the tournaments of the Tchoukball Geneva Indoors will be very international, with players in 124 teams joining us from France, Tunisia, Taiwan, Italy, the UK, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium Germany and Poland… and this in the elite but also in the popular and junior tournaments! The youngest players will be 6 years old, the oldest 84!!!!

The Geneva Indoors give your players the opportunity of a formidable experience. Furthermore, thanks to new installations, put in place especially for the TGI, we have in addition to the Bois des Frères sports centre the sports centre La Queue d’Arve, which allows us for the first time to welcome many teams on our 7 official tchoukball fields. Take advantage of them!

If you have not yet registered your players in one of the 15 tournaments of the Tchoukball Geneva Indoors, we are happy to provide you with the opportunity to do so, by extending until Saturday 10th November the registration deadline.

We hope you take advantage of this new registration deadline for your teams in order to allow your players to experience a tchoukball event that they will most certainly remember.

In order to register or to check that your teams have been registered, check our registration page.