Tchoukball Geneva Indoors: 12-22.12.2024

Discover the 2020 Super Cup!

This year 2020 is a difficult year for all of us, presenting many obstacles and challenges. But it also provides opportunities for creativity! And the organisation committee of the Geneva Indoors has decided take up the challenges and to replace the Nations Cup by the 2020 Super Cup.

The 2020 Super Cup will bring together a selection of the best club teams. Played from Friday 18th December 2020 evening (opening games) to Sunday 20th, club teams will have the opportunity to demonstrate their level of play and enjoy the top quality infrastructure of the Nations Cup.

Who can register? Teams representing clubs. Number of players on the field is 7, no limitation of number of substitutes. Mixed teams are very welcome.

Registration deadline: 31st October 2020. If you plan to join, please help us organise the event in the best possible way, by getting in touch with us as soon as possible. This will help us prepare the event in the best possible way under the given circumstances.

So in this extraordinary year 2020, adultes wishing to participate to the Tchoukball Geneva Indoors have the option to participate to:

  • The 2020 Super Cup – 18th-20th December 2020
  • The Open tournaments (mixed, women and seniors) – Saturday 19th December 2020
  • There will be no Nation Cup in 2020

Don’t miss out on the 2020 Super Cup – the special event happening in December 2020 in the special location of the Geneva Indoors!