Since 2020, we have been actively committed to an eco-responsible approach. One of our first steps was to take stock of our situation in this area by producing an “Environmental Report” available on our website. Below is a summary of our results and our eco-responsible commitments.
Faced with the urgency of climate change, and with the impetus given by the city of Geneva to move in this direction, we launched the “CAP VERS LE ZERO DÉCHET” project.
The 2024 edition of Tchoukball Geneva Inodores marks a turning point. An ecological and sustainable change of direction. Here’s an overview of our main actions.
Full strategy - in French
The document below presents the project:
Cap vers le zéro déchet – Plan d’action 2024 / 2025 / 2026 des TGI :
1. One-page presentation of the TGI
2. Waste management as part of the TGI’s climate strategy
3. 32 actions to be implemented
4. Description of some completed actions
5. 2024 results in figures
6. Implementation: issues and practical solutions
7. Process to aim for optimization in 2026
Numerous sorting centers have been designed and installed in the heart of the Queue d’Arve sports center.
We designed these color-coded garbage cans to help the public sort their waste.
A first sorting with the aim of making consumers aware of their responsibilities.
We positioned them in high-traffic areas such as the refreshment stands, in the Brand Arena stands and in the entrance hall. These centers were organized in three ways :
“Simplified” sorting center: recyclable garbage can + non-recyclable garbage can.
“Complete” sorting center
Grey garbage can: Aluminium
Blue garbage can: PET
Green garbage can: Compostable
Yellow garbage can: Paper – Cardboard
Black garbage can: Incinerable waste
Collection bin: Reusable crockery
“Adapted” sorting center
Grey garbage can: Aluminium
Blue garbage can: PET
Yellow garbage can: Paper – Cardboard
Black garbage can: Incinerable waste
In all, we have installed 14 sorting centers with a minimum of 2 types of garbage can.
In an area totally reserved and closed to the public, we checked backstage all the garbage can bags.
Garbage bags with the various recyclables, but also incinerable waste. It was a long and tedious job.
However, it was essential if we were to achieve our objective: to ensure that the sorting was complete and certain.
The public, via the various sorting centers, took the first step.
After that, it’s our job to check the various garbage cans. A check to validate the effort made by the consumer.
To encourage waste sorting, we placed a number of posters in strategic locations.
Firstly, we had information panels above each garbage can. Each panel was associated with the color of the garbage bag. On them, we could find different information and some corresponding products.
Other awareness-raising panels were placed in high-traffic areas (refreshment stands, entrance halls, etc.).
To raise awareness and understanding of our different sorting centers, we decided to put on an animation during the opening ceremony. And we did this throughout the 11 days of the competition !
The game was as follows: 5 players came to the center of the pitch. Each participant had to throw a product into the corresponding garbage can.
This game helped us to present the sorting center in a fun and instructive way. A life-size presentation, in front of all the participants.
It was presented to the players, but also to the teachers and/or accompanying adults.
For the 2024 edition of the Tchoukball Geneva Indoors, we decided to use reusable tableware.
The 2023 edition was marked by the first eco-responsible step, with the acquisition of biodegradable crockery. Not very effective, and with desire to step up our approach, reusable crockery was used. An acquisition that offers us a number of advantages :