Tchoukball Geneva Indoors: 12-22.12.2024

Sustainable development

Sustainable development

The organisation committee has since many years been considering environmental questions and has always tried to minimise wherever possible to minimise the impact on our environment. This approach had however never been done in a formal and structured way.

At the beginning of 2020 a dedicated team was created. In order to assist us in our work in this area, we have followed the recommendations provided on the website “Manifestation verte”, which collaborates with Swiss Olympic and the Swiss confederation. It allows event organisers to list and improve in a structured manner all aspects related to the environmental impact of their event. In this way we have thoroughly analysed the 9 aspects of the Geneva Indoors and the Nations Cup: waste, promotion, social aspects, noise, food, nature, energy, transport and general aspects. This analysis has allowed us to better understand in which areas we have to make additional efforts.

Léna Voisin, in charge of environment matters, in collaboration with the organisation committee, our commitments for the 5 years to come.

The environmental report 2020-2021 (in French) details the approach, the initial analysis and the formulation of our commitments.

Result of the 2020 analysis

The objectives we aim for 2028

A result of 95% in the event profil “manifestation verte”

A carbon neutral event

Towards zero waste

Summary of our ecological responsible commitments

1. Developing an innovative sustainability model
2. Communicate and create awareness about our sustainable values
3.Reduced carbon impact from transport
4. Catering respecting the environment and ethical values
5. Reduction and recycling of waste
1. Compensation of unavoidable CO2 emissions

The details of our commitments are available in this document (in French).