Saturday 11th December
Category M12 :
– As of 8h45 : arrival of teams
– 9h30 : welcome of teams in the Brandt Arena
– 10h: start of tournemant M12
Category M10
– As of 9h45: arrival of teams
– 10h30 : welcome of teams in the Brandt Arena
– 11h: start of tournament M10
Catégorie M8
– As of 11h30 : arrival of teams
– 12h15 : welcome of teams in the Brandt Arena
– 12h45: start of tournament M8
Catégories M8, M10 et M12:
– Vers 16h15: Fin des matchs
– Dés la fin de votre dernier matchs TOUS les juniors et les coachs vont se placer dans les gradins de la Brandt Arena
– Finale des tournois M10 et M12 dans la Brandt Arena
~16h45: Annonce des résultats et remise des prix pour toutes les équipes dans la Brandt Arena
~ 17h30: Fin du tournoi et départ des participants/participantes
Queue d’Arve sports centre
Sunday 12th December
Tournament start teams M14, M16 et M18 :
– As of 8h: arrival of teams
– 8h45: welcome of teams in the Brandt Arena
– 9h20: Game start M16 and M18
– 9h40: Game start M14
Catégories M14, M16 et M18 – end of day:
– 16h40: End of games
– After the end of your last game, all players and coaches go to the sitting area of the Brand Arena
– Finals of the M14, M16 and M18 touranments
– 17h20 Announcement of the results and closing ceremony for all teams in the Brandt Arena
– End of the tournament
– Dés la fin de votre dernier matchs TOUS les jeunes et les coachs vont se placer dans les gradins de
Queue d’Arve sports centre
During the TGI I Tchoukball Promotion stand will be available. You’ll find plenty of tchoukball material such as knee pads or balls, etc… The material of this catalogue can also be ordered at the stand.
Furthermore you’ll be able to print at exceptional prices names and numbers of your choice to shirts, t-shirts, trainings, etc….
You’ll find our snack bar at the sports centre, and we invite you to enjoy it. You’ll be able to enjoy our last selection and will help our organisation at the same time.
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