Tchoukball Geneva Indoors 2024 : New junior competitions, for even more matches !

It’s in the junior competitions that the 27th edition will experience the most changes. The organisation committee has indeed decided to offer junior teams to compete over two days, Saturday and Sunday, and so make the most out of their participation to the event.

We’d also like to enable more young girls to take part in 100% women matches. In recent years, we’ve run these tournaments on Wednesday afternoons, but we’re clearly aiming to enable more teams from more countries to compete in 100% women’s/girl’s events.

While the Sunday of the junior weekend remains unchanged, with mixed M14, M16 and M18 competitions, the Saturday will offer, in addition to the M12 tournament, new categories for M14 girls and boys and M16 girls and boys. To sum up, the following competitions will be held :

Saturday 14 december 2024 :

  • M12
  • M14 girls
  • M14 boys
  • M16 girls
  • M16 boys

Sunday 15 december 2024 :

  • M14 mixed
  • M16 mixed
  • M18 mixed
We invite all junior team managers to take a close look at this opportunity to offer their juniors two days of tournaments.

This change means that the M8 and M10 juniors will have their tournament moved to Wednesday afternoons. We urge parents to come and watch their children play in this temple of world tchoukball ! The atmosphere promises to be fantastic !!!

Wednesday 18 december 2024 :

  • M8 tournament
  • M10 tournament

Year of birth for junior categories

Junior M8                                              Junior M10                                              Junior M12

Born in 2017 and 2018                        Born in 2015 and 2016                          Born in 2013 and 2014

Junior M14                                            Junior M16                                              Junior M18

Born in 2011 and 2012                        Born in 2009 and 2010                          Born in 2007 and 2008

Information for junior categories:

– For all junior categories, it is the year of birth that determines the correct competition category and not the age of the player.

– For all “girls” and “boys” tournaments : A player may play in a category with older players but not in a category with younger juniors. Any exceptions must be discussed in writing with Erika Mesmer before 30 November 2024.

– For “mixed” junior tournaments, the presence of girls and boys in each team is recommended but not compulsory.

Information and registration

You want more informations, or you want to register ? You can find all the latest information and registration details on our registration 2024 page.