Tchoukball Geneva Indoors: 12-22.12.2024


Sanitary measures

Information updated on December 4th, 2021

General rules for all people entering the Centre Sportif de la Queue d’Arve: players, staff and public

  • In case of symptoms – do not come to the event and have a test
  • The certificat is mandatory for all people âged 16 and older
  • The correct waring of the mask (covering nose and mouth) is mandatory for all people aged 12 and older
  • Please respect the current rules on hygiene and social distancing recommended by the FOPH.


Certificat – control and bracelet

For access to the Queue d’Arve sports center, all people aged 16 and older have to present a valid covid certificat as well as a proof of their identity. Once this has been successfully controlled, you’ll receive a braclet for your access, which allows you access to the sports hall that day. Controls have to be done every day of participation and the bracelet of the day, with the color of specific for that day, has to be worn visibly inside the sports hall. You’ll find more information about the certificat on the website of the FOPH. European certificats, combined with your proof of identity, are valid. 


Players - special rules concerning wearing of the mask

For all players aged 12 and older the mask is mandatory except when active on the sports field.


Food and eating

Conumption is only allowed when sitting down and respecting distances. 


Wash hands

Please wash or disinfect your hands thoroughly and frequently and please avoid shaking hands. Desinfectant is provided by organisers – please make good use of it.


International participants

With effect from Saturday, 4 December, there will be no countries on the quarantine list. In order to continue to prevent the new Omicron variant from entering the country as far as possible, a stricter testing regime will now apply for all arrivals into Switzerland. This testing requirement also applies to those who have been vaccinated or have recovered from the disease. In addition to taking a PCR test before travelling to Switzerland, a second test (PCR test or rapid antigen test) must be carried out between the fourth and seventh day after arrival.

Switzerland’s boarder regions are exempt of these additional tests.

More information is available on the following official FAQ.

Official information about the measures taken by the federal council on December 3rd, 2021