Tchoukball Geneva Indoors: 12-22.12.2024

Information about participating in December 2021 is now available!

It has now been a year that we have learnt to live with the virus called Covid-19 and it has impacted all our lives and our activities. Tchoukball trainings and competitions have been interrupted and international competitions have not taken place since more than a year.

The Tchoukball Geneva Indoors organisation committee wants to look forward and are taking an optimistic but realistic view on the organisation of the 24th edition in December 2021. Therefore we are already working on different options in order to organise the event: A normal edition with a lot of public; an edition with restrictions for the public; an edition with a limited number of teams per tournament;… For the moment we want to believe that we’ll be able to experience an edition where everybody can be welcomed and we can all share together the emotions of our sport.

Therefore and despite the current uncertain times, where so many activities are cancelled, we invite you to start planning your venue with your teams now. It will lift their spirit to project themselves to the playing fields in Geneva in December! And when you start talking about the Geneva Indoors, please let us also know that you are planning to come. This will bring a smile to our faces and help us a lot in preparing for your venue.

You’ll find detailed information on our 2021 registration page. And if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Erika Mesmer – she is looking forward to assisting you.