Tchoukball Geneva Indoors: 12-22.12.2024

The Tchoukball Geneva Indoors in December 2020 have been cancelled

In the past 23 years the Tchoukball Geneva Indoors have regularly been organised each year in Geneva, without having to cancel a single edition. During all these years the organisation committee has managed to increase the significance of this event to a point where it is the largest tchoukball event around the world!

With the arrival of Covid-19, since this spring the Geneva Indoors have been preparing themselves in order to organise the event in December 2020, by transforming it and adjusting it in the best possible way to the constraints of the current sanitary crisis. A special task force was put in place to coordinate these efforts and prepare an organisation and a protection concept to ensure the security of all the actors of the Tchoukball Geneva Indoors.

Faced with the deterioration of the sanitary situation these last weeks it is now clear that these efforts were not enough. The organisation committee had therefore to take the decision to cancel this 24th edition of the Tchoukball Geneva Indoors and to postpone their organisation to December 2021.

The disappointment is huge as much with the organisers as with the players, who all hoped until the end that this yearly meeting of world tchoukball could be maintained. Daniel Buschbeck, president of the organisation committee however insures that “during our last committee meetings I felt regret with faced with this situation but mainly a strong motivation among the organisation team to take advantage of this imposed break in order to present, in just over 12 months a very special and unforgettable edition!”

For the organisation team the work today is however still centered on what is still to be done these next few weeks. Indeed, even if players will not meet on the playing field, Geneva will however keep its calling of capital of tchoukball thanks to several virtual events that will be organised by the Geneva Indoors in December. More information about this will soon be available.